Oasis for Peace won the first prize of the international photographic competition "Prix
du Public", organized by "Organismes de Solidarité Internationale" of Monaco, with
the photography that summarizes the Oasis Café project in favor of the young people
of our sister Colombian foundation "Oasis de Amor y Paz ".
The participants were all important international humanitarian organizations and the
voting public chose our project.
HSH Prince Albert II de Monaco presided over the ceremony and gave us the award
appreciating our commitment to the weak, especially young people, through the
creation of entrepreneurial activities in difficult places.
The Prince ended with a nice and clear appreciation to Oasis Café:
"Drink it is very good, I recommend it!"
The Movement was created in agreement with the Italian Embassy and in coordination with the main Italian Associations in Monaco with the aim of raising funds to directly help the structures and hospital staff in the fight against Covid-19.
Thanks to your generous donations we have collected to date the sum of:
And we have made wire transfers to the following :
Niguarda Hospital in Milan for the amount of 20.000€
Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital of Bergamo for the amount of 10.000€
Legnano Magenta Hospital Foundation for the amount of 5.000€
ASL 3 Villa Scassi of Genova for the amount of 10.000€
AOU Maggiore Hospital of Novara for the amount of 10.000€
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Milan for the amount of 10.000€
Istituto Malattie Infettive L. Spallanzani of Rome for the amount of 10.000€
U.O.C. Istituto Infezioni Sistematiche D. Cotugno of Naples for the amount of 10.000€
FNOPI Federazione Nazionale Ordini Professioni Infermieristiche of Rome for the amount of 6.000€
We kindly ask you to continue to support us, and remind you of the data of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio headquarters in Monaco:
Presentation of Oasis Café to the Ambassador S. E. Gloria Isabel Ramírez Rios on the occasion of the brunch organized at the Embassy of Colombia in Rome with entrepreneurs, journalists and economists
Oasis For Peace (OFP), founded by Alessandro Dalmasso and Sylva Cosulich Dalmasso with Don Rito Julio Alvarez, works with professionals and operators with proven experience in the for-profit and non-profit sectors who believe in the proposed integrated development model.
Oasis For Peace Monaco 11, avenue de l'Hermitage 98000 Principauté de Monaco